ANGP Planning Committee
Planning for the All Night Grad Party has already started! We still need your help!
Please consider signing up to be a committee chair. Many committees can be co-chaired, done from home, and/or require minimal time.
All Night Grad Party team planning meetings are held monthly at 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the SCHS Library. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend. We are always in need of volunteers
IF you would like to volunteer to help with the ANGP in any way, please email
Here are the ANGP COMMITTEE positions/functions we need Parent volunteers for
- Volunteers for the Holiday Extravaganza (Craft Fair) on Dec 3rd (need many)
- Head up Restaurant Nights fundraiser
- Head up RaiseCraze Fundraiser (2)
- many others....
Craft Fair Liaison – Attend craft fair meetings and help coordinate volunteers and publicity for the craft fair as needed. Expected to attend the craft fair, which is held the first weekend of December--December 3rd The craft fair is the largest fundraiser of the PTSO.
White House Ornaments - Purchase White House Christmas Ornaments through the Historical Association at a discount due to bulk ordering. Prepare flyers and have stock of ornaments ready for sale for Stallion Stampede and continue selling at school events (back to school nights, sporting events, craft fair, etc.). Delivery is arranged for orders taken by order form or online. This fundraiser begins at Stallion Stampede and runs through December. This job is best handled by two persons.
Magnets – Magnets: Inherit magnets from previous graduating class and order any additional needed, plus for rising 6th graders. Sell at various school events and fulfill orders taken online (magnets can be mailed or delivered for online orders).
Lawn Signs – Sell "South County Class Of …" blue and green lawn signs. Orders are taken by order form or online (the majority are online). Order signs to be delivered to school by a few weeks before graduation and distribute at ANGP meeting. These fundraisers begin at Stallion Stampede and run through the school year.
Graduation Seat Raffle – This raffle is to win one of two sets of (10) reserved front row seats at graduation. Sell raffle tickets at various school events (Stallion Stampede, Back-to-School Night, ANGP meetings, graduation rehearsal, etc…) Orders are taken by order form or online. Two winners are announced during the last graduation rehearsal.
Ticket Sales – Promote and sell ANGP tickets. Sell tickets at Stallion Stampede, Back-to-School nights, Senior Parent events, Senior Meetings, during lunches and during Graduation Rehearsals. Pickup money and forms from Main Office at least once a week and compile list of PAID Seniors to post in the ANGP display case in the cafeteria. Give money/checks to treasurer for deposit. Keep track of payments made on PayPal, write receipts and call Seniors to collect contract forms. Collect contracts in alphabetical order to be able to retrieve forms and emergency information easily during ANGP.
Men’s Wearhouse - Complete contract with Men's Wearhouse in February. Post flyers in school murals and promote fundraiser in weekly school emails and Stallion Spotlight. Minimal time commitment. (Should be combined with White House Ornament sales.)
Donation Letters – Mail and distribute donation letters to businesses, organizations, and individuals in the community for cash donations and prizes. Collect donations as available and coordinate list of donators and their contact information for Thank You Letter Chairperson.
Prize Donations (Cash Vault) – Contact local businesses and organizations for small prize donations and gift cards for use in cash vaults. Coordinate larger prize donations (if any) with Prize Committee. Package donations for distribution in the cash vault (including marking funny money to coordinate with prize distribution).
Activities – Select an entertainment company to provide activities for the evening. Plan and order all inflatables and games to include casino, carnival-type games, artists, etc…Provide floor plans to Fire Marshal, coordinate volunteer needs with Volunteer Coordinator. Attend ANGP and oversee all activities during party. This position could be co-chaired, especially helpful due to all the activities going on the actual night of the party.
Decorations – Plan, organize, prepare, and set up decorations to carry out selected theme (mostly balloons). Decorate the ANGP display case in the cafeteria using the theme chosen by the ANGP committee. Provide plans and materials lists to Fire Marshal. Coordinate set-up with underclass parent coordinator.
Food – Organize the procurement of food through purchases, donations and parent volunteers. Coordinate with Volunteer Coordinator to staff food areas before and during the party. Provide set-up plans to Fire Marshal. Coordinate food clean up after party. Coordinate for thank you letters with Thank You Letter Chair for any food donations. Need to attend ANGP and be present throughout the event.
Prizes - Purchase and store tangible prizes for end of night drawings. Coordinate cash prizes with treasurer for end of night drawings. Attend ANGP to display and distribute prizes. This committee works best with (2) co-chairs.
Thank You Letters – Mail letters to all donors for tax receipt throughout the year. Coordinate letter recipients with Donation Letter Committee, Prize Donations Committee, and Food Committee Chair.
Registration and ID Bands - Students are checked in by the Registration Committee. First to meet and greet the new Graduates using a list provided by the Ticket Committee of students who have already purchased tickets and have parent consent forms. Responsible for creating the ID Badges that Graduates will use during party.
Security - Plan and organize the security issues of the party. Determine where parent volunteers are needed for security and staff accordingly with volunteer coordinator. Coordinate with SCHS Staff, Fire Marshal Chair, Student Activities Office for SRO, police department and EMT’s. Provide floor plans to Fire Marshal. Need to attend ANGP and be present throughout the event.
Bag Room – Purchase take-home gift items for each attendee. Assemble and distribute take-home gifts the night of the party. Collect checked bags during the party. Maintain emergency contact information for each attendee. Need to attend ANGP and be present in the bag room throughout event.
Volunteer Coordinator - Contact parents to solicit volunteers to work for and/or during the party. Contact parents who sign up for general assistance and place them where needed. Need to attend ANGP and be present throughout the event to monitor volunteer needs throughout the event.
Clean Up – Organize clean up with committee of volunteers. This shift generally runs from 4am - 6:30am. Clean-up includes food area, left-over food, dis-assembling decorations, cleaning PTSO tablecloths, and restoring any classrooms used to original condition, so building is ready for business as usual by 7AM.
Fire Marshal - Submit application for permit, to include the following information: Detailed descriptions of the following: decorations, food equipment usage, activities (info on wiring, voltage, etc.) Maps to include: activity lay-out, food lay-out, registration tables, prize tables and distribution, security stations (volunteers). Work with all to be sure everyone has set up according to code and be on site to be sure set up is going to plan. Schedule time to meet with Fire Marshal the night of ANGP to walk thru set up and be sure all is safe.
Underclass Parent Set-Up Coordinator - Coordinate set-up the day of the party with a committee of volunteers. Set-up includes decorations, food delivery and set-up, oversee layout of activities with entertainment company, oversee layout of tables and chairs with custodians, BINGO set-up. Must be available the day and evening of the party.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 26
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Monday, April 7
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Thursday, April 17