The mission of our PTSO is to enhance educational and community experiences for the students by creating opportunities for service, education and events that support and promote student, teacher, parent and staff relationships.



The PTSO leadership / board of directors are:

President - Katie O'Donnell pres[at]
1st Vice President -   Kitty Greenstein 1vp[at]
2nd Vice President - Renee Flynn 2vp[at]
Treasurer - Mai Nguyen treas[at]
Recording Secretary - Theresa Hull  rec_sec[at]
Corresponding Secretary - Rachana Garg cor_sec[at]

 *Replace the brackets [at] with @ to send e-mail.   



Committee leadership positions and current leads are:   

ANGP Co-Chair - Katie O'Donnell
ANGP Co-Chair - Sue Emert

ANGP Co-Chair - Sara Rodriguez
Class of 2026 liaison - Kelly Lowe
Class of 2025 liaison - Blain Onibudo & Renee Flynn
Class of 2024 liaison - Cheryl Engelbrecht
Class of 2023 liaison - Cassy Gilmore
Craft Show/Holiday Extravaganza - Carla Olivo/Renee Flynn
Craft Show Volunteer Coordinator - Pam Gilbert/Martha Hess
Exceptional Education - Michelle D'Andrade
Fundraising - Maida Piggee
Honor Roll - Katie O'Donnell
Membership - Dionne Garvin
Military Connections - Krystal Frink
Mini Grants - Laura McCarthy
Mosaic - Audrey Wiggins
Science Fair Liaison - Patty Klunder
Social Media - Blain Onibudo
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Karen McGuiness/Kasey Hill
Teacher/Staff Welcome Back Breakfast - Karen McGuiness
Walk of Fame - Steve Waugh
Webmaster - Steve Waugh

