RC Gamble:  Thanks so much for all the support!
Steve Kingston:   Thanks again for all of your support!  I am very grateful to work with a very supportive PTSO! 
Sam Tolan/1st Sources Training:  We are so thankful that the PTSO sponsored our lunch and snacks and truly appreciate your support! 
I want to thank our Board for the AWESOME support with a delicious breakfast for the staff this morning! I saw so many happy (and full) faces. ðŸ™‚   Much appreciated.    Kambar
May 2024, Dear PTSO
Please accept this email and receipts as my request for reimbursement for the Reading Café mini grants project that took place during Stallion Time from March – May 2024. We invited 38 students between 9th and 10th grades to our 12 sessions (6 for each grade level). Based on participation and attendance, 25 students earned incentives including snacks and gift cards. While we are still completing Reading Inventory tests that measure reading comprehension growth for these students this school year, we do already know we successfully impacted nine 9th graders who participated in the Café and subsequently passed their Biology SOL. Without intervention, they might otherwise not have passed. We were able to use purchased Biology materials to practice their reading and this also served as Biology SOL review sessions. Thank you for the ability to purchase a variety of materials for these Café sessions. These materials available for future remediation use as well.
Please let me know if you require any additional information. Thank you again to the PTSO for sponsoring this project for the English department and for supporting our literacy work!
Carol Floto
English 10 Team Lead
English Department Literacy Coordinator
Dear PTSO,

Thank you so much for the generous funding for the AAHNPI Heritage Month decoration this year. Please find some of the pictures of the hallway decoration. We decided to postpone the Asian Market till the next school year after the discussion with Dr. Khoshaba (logistical issue). However, we are planning to hold the AANHPI event next school year (spring, 2025) using the rest of the unused purchased materials. I also put the purchase receipt in the treasurer folder in the main office about a week ago. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Koji Otani
Sponsor, ASA and JNHS
Japanese Language Teacher