2024 Audit report and Current Budget

1/1/2025 3:43 pm

South County PTSO

Review Report 07/01/2023-06/30/2024

Reviewer’s Statement: To the best of my ability, I have examined the books of the Treasurer and

have found that the reconciled Bank Balances totaling $76,058.20 presented above are correct,

with the additional notation that $3,364.09 of the total balance is restricted to “senior class

needs.” There are material exceptions in the income and expenses (i.e. deposits/withdrawals)

reported during the period under review that will need to be adjusted prior to tax return filing.

Note: this “review” consists of certain specified procedures to verify the accuracy of the organization’s year end bank

balances and a review of areas of financial risk. It does not constitute a formal audit, review or compilation as defined

by the AICPA’s Statements on Auditing Standards.

A separate report of management comments noted during the review is attached.

Audit report submitted by:

Nannette Henderson

September 17, 2024



Reference Received From Amount




Reference Paid To





Patty Klunder


Checking 6/27/2024 3180* Kathie Willis



ANGP Savings


MoneyMinder Funds available as of 07/01/2023 Balance



First Internet Bank of Indiana




Plus: Deposits for the period


Minus: Withdrawals for the period


($10,000.00 in CD transfers not included in above totals)

MoneyMinder Balance as of 06/30/2024


Bank Statement balances as of 06/30/2024




ANGP Savings


Minus: Uncleared Withdrawals

*last check written for this year

Bank Balance as of 06/30/2024





Plus: Uncleared Deposits

There are no transactions to display.



First Internet Bank of IndianaSouth County PTSO—June 30, 2024 Review—Summary of management comments

The financial records maintained by the PTSO Treasurer were generally in good order. Expenses were

deemed reasonable and in line with the organization’s mission. For the most part, issues listed below

deal with operational procedures that can put financial assets at risk rather than accuracy of financial

reporting. Comments in red are repeats from a prior year’s audit; it does not appear that management

has addressed the concerns raised in the prior year’s audit. The number of instances where the PTSO is

not in compliance with FCPS regulations, IRS regulations, state law, requirements of its insurance

policies and its own bylaws and monetary policies and procedures appears to have increased over the

last year and is of significant concern.

The following observations/recommendations are being made to improve financial processes or

decrease financial risk to the organization.

 Obtain sign off on bank reconciliation monthly from a non-check signer as required by the

insurance carrier.

 Change procedures for recording cash boxes at events.

 Require responsible officers to sign off on check requests prior to writing checks.

 Improve documentation for disbursements generally.

 Record all revenue as revenue, rather than netting it against expenses.

 Ensure meeting minutes accurately reflect significant discussions.

 Obtain proper approvals for expenses in excess of budget.

 Develop a gift acceptance policy.

 The audit report must be presented to the general membership for adoption.

 Cross-reference ANGP activities against insurance policy coverage.

 Adopt a standard practice of collecting W-9 forms from vendors.

 Exercise caution with gift cards.

 Do not compensate teachers for fundraising activities.

 Follow up on state checks.

 Use appropriate logos and disclosures.

 Produce monthly financial reports.

 Correct classifications of accounts in “Grants in Scholarships” header.

Detailed recommendations/findings

Bank reconciliation signoff: A non-check signer has to sign off on the bank reconciliation every month

in a timely manner [emphasis added]. It is required by the insurance company for fidelity bond

coverage, and is one of the most important things the PTSO can do to prevent itself from embezzlement.

Reviews can be easily completed via email; in person sign off is not necessary if that has been the barrier

to completion.

Proper recording of cash boxes/transfers: There were a large number of cash boxes requested during

the year. It is important to record them properly so as not to overstate the revenues and expenses of

the organization in the accounting system. All of the returns of cash boxes were recorded as revenue to

the organization; those transactions will need to be manually adjusted before preparation of the tax

return so as not to overstate revenue for tax return purposes. Detailed instructions in how to properly

record cash box transactions can be found at https://moneyminder.com/knowledgebase/cash-on-hand/ Note that the tax return filed for the year ended June 30, 2023, overstated revenue by approximately

$25,000, which is very significant (23% of the total revenue), due to errors in recording the cash boxes

and other transfers. An appendix is attached which highlights areas where transfers to cash boxes were

not reported properly. However, the listing may not be 100% accurate as that was beyond the scope of

this review; the list is provided as a tool for the tax return preparer only.

Officer sign off for check requests: Almost none of the check requests had any sign off from officers

approving payment; it appears this practice may have fallen off during the pandemic. Having an officer

sign off on check requests (preferably one who has responsibility for the line item being charged)

ensures that people know what is going against their budget and decreases the chance of any


Missing receipts/documentation: This was significantly improved over the prior year, however, some

“receipts” attached really do not qualify as a receipt for recordkeeping/justification purposes. For

example, a copy of a charge to someone’s credit card only proves that they spent that much money at a

vendor; it does not prove that they purchased anything related to the PTSO (although it is better than

nothing if the original receipt has been misplaced). Similarly, a copy of the last page of a detailed receipt

that doesn’t show all of the items purchased only means that that much money was spent at a vendor.

An email that says “please write a check to (person) for $x is merely a substitution for a check request

form, not a receipt.

Record all revenue properly: There were a number of expense reimbursements paid where the amount

of payment was reduced because of donations or other revenue received. The transactions were

recorded at the net payment amount, resulting in the donations not being recorded. In the 2023-2024

year, this happened most often when individuals handled several different transactions and then wrote

one check for the next amount of what transpired. No adjustments were proposed to the financials

because the total was not material, but recording transactions at their net amounts is not proper


Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes were not sufficiently detailed to serve as a record of corporate

activities as required by state law. Guidelines for basic minutes can be found at

https://www.ptotoday.com/pto-today-articles/article/1029-how-to-take-meeting-minutes. For


 Treasurer reports—while they were attached most of the time to minutes this year, the format

is not easy to read.

 The minutes indicated that $10,000 was designated by the Board to fund the ANGP because the

ANGP needed the money. In fact, ANGP revenue significantly exceeded the budget, so the

funds should have been directed back to the general funds of the PTSO if that were the case.

Discussions with officers as part of this review indicated that the “need” notation was possibly

incorrect—however, the minutes are the official record.

 The minutes are sometimes cryptic and reflect informal comments and exclamations that are

inappropriate to record and detract from the business being conducted.

 While minutes were produced for an annual meeting that was supposed to happen in May,

there was no quorum and therefore no annual meeting. Note that this is not in conformance

with Virginia nonstock corporation requirements (Virginia code § 13.1-838. Annual meeting.) It does not appear from the minutes that the quorum requirements were met for any membership

meeting, which really needs to be addressed by the Board.

Significant spending in excess of budget: It is a bylaws requirement that the organization make

disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership. There is no definitive

amount specified in the bylaws by which the budget may be exceeded. The format of the budget

presented to the membership can be adjusted to allow the officers discretion to be able to spend the

organization’s funds properly so that not every single deviation from the budget needs to be approved

by the membership. However, as just two examples, the ANGP exceeded its expense budget by ~$13k

or 33% without any documented discussion by members or officers. Teacher appreciation exceeded

budget by $2k, or 50% of its budget. The officers have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the

organization’s funds are spent in accordance with the wishes of the membership, and substantial

changes need to be voted on by the membership. When the officers realize that there are changes in

circumstances that require significant budget changes, a budget amendment must be presented to the

membership to be voted upon.

Develop a gift acceptance policy. The PTSO accepted a donation restricted to funding of senior needs

for the second year in a row. The amount was significant and unbudgeted. The accounting system used

by the PTSO is not designed to track restricted donations, and the balance was not tracked properly. In

addition, it is questionable as to whether the funds are being disbursed in a manner in which the donor

intended. The wording in this year’s GoFundMe clearly implied that funds were being raised for 2024

graduating seniors. In fact, none of the funding was used for 2024 seniors because last year’s donation

still had a sufficient balance remaining to cover what was needed for the 2024 senior class. Care will

need to be taken to ensure that the funds are fully disbursed in accordance with the wishes of the donor

and that the disbursements are made in an equitable manner that conforms to the mission of the

organization. The organization should consider developing a gift acceptance policy for future use.

Continuing to accept gifts of the size of the last two years is misleading at best. In addition, since the

accounting system used by the PTSO does not have the ability to track restricted donations, it is again

suggested that the remaining restricted funds be deposited into a separate bank account to help ensure

that the restrictions are honored and so the balance can be appropriately tracked throughout future


In addition, the PTSO was unable to provide documentation that they had provided a thank you letter to

the donor that conformed with the requirements of IRS Publication 1771 (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs

pdf/p1771.pdf). Note that there is an IRS penalty for failure to provide proper substantiation. It does

not appear that the PTSO has a procedure in place to meet the requirements of Publication 1771,

although the need to do so is pointed out in the PTSO “Monetary Policies and Procedures” document.

Submit audit report for adoption by the membership: It is a requirement of the bylaws that the audit

report be presented to the general membership for adoption each year. There is no evidence that was

done in the prior year. Only the audit report itself needs to go to the membership; the management

comment section (if any) is for use of the Board; the Board may elect to present the management

comments to the membership in the interest of transparency. (There was also no evidence that the

management comments were presented to the Board last year. The minutes say that the Treasurer

said: “We passed our audit. YAY!” which is not really an accurate representation of the review and does not give any indication that it was presented. However, the review report is also sent directly to the

President and Principal each year to ensure it is reviewed by multiple PTSO officers.)

ANGP activities must be cross-referenced against insurance documentation: A mechanical bull ride

was added to the ANGP activities this year. This ride was intentionally discontinued a number of years

ago due to the fact that the PTSO insurance policy specifically excluded coverage for mechanical rides.

Such rides are still specifically excluded from coverage under the policy, putting the PTSO at significant

financial risk in the event of an accident/injury. Mechanical bull riding is also listed as a prohibited

student activity by the FCPS office of Risk Management.

Adopt a standard practice of collecting W-9 forms from vendors. As the PTSO continues to use checks

for disbursements, it is important to know whether companies/individuals to whom checks are written

for goods and services are subject to receiving from 1099 at the end of the calendar year. Failure to

properly file 1099s is punishable for a fine of $60 (each/minimum; can go up to $630 each). Several

individuals (Fischer, Champ, Cotom) could cross the $600 minimum reporting threshold for 2024; some

ANGP providers may also be subject to filing requirements.

Exercise caution with gift cards. Technically, giving gift cards creates a taxable event for the recipient in

the eyes of the IRS. Typically the PTSO gifts very small amounts to teachers—usually not more than

$25—which is unlikely to create a problem. However, this year some larger gift cards were given. It is

unlikely to become an issue with the IRS, but not impossible. Also, note that FCPS Regulation R1370

specifically states that “fundraising proceeds cannot be used to enhance staff compensation [or] to

make gifts to employees.”

Do not provide compensation to any teacher in conjunction with craft shows.

One teacher was provided two different checks so far in 2024 for her participation in the craft show, and

no backup for the checks were provided. From discussion with officers, it appears this payment may

have been for services provided to fund a certain program; in that event, an agreement should be drawn

up between the PTSO and school (or the appropriate student organization) and the check should be

written to the school for credit to the organization it is supposed to benefit (as is the case with the Swim

Team and Band Boosters). Payment to the teacher violates FCPS Regulation 1370.7 which states that

“FCPS staff may not receive or accept compensation, gifts, or other benefits from school support

organizations or business partners for organizing, supervising, or participating in fundraising activities.”

Follow up on stale checks

Two adjustments were made outside of MoneyMinder because two checks that were outstanding as of

June 30, 2023 were not properly recorded in MoneyMinder, and the effort to correct it at the end of the

year was too much to justify making the correction within the system. One check was rewritten without

properly voiding the one which was outstanding, which caused School Support expenses to be

overstated for the year ended June 30, 2024. For the other check, the person chose to donate the funds

back to the PTSO rather than having another check re-written; that needed to be recorded as donation

revenue for the year ended June 30, 2024. (These checks were corrected for the financial report on the

first page, but they remain uncorrected in MoneyMinder for the 2023-2024 year.)

It is important to regularly follow up on any checks outstanding for more than 90 days; they cannot

simply be ignored if they are not cashed over time. Any amounts not claimed by the intended recipient after five years need to be turned over to Virginia under the escheatment rules; please refer to the

Virginia Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act at Virginia Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act at

  • 55.1-2500. Also, in the event that a stale check needs to be voided in a subsequent year, guidance on

how to do so within MoneyMinder can be found at https://moneyminder.com/knowledgebase/stale


Use appropriate logos and disclosures to distinguish from school sponsored activities

Several instances were noted of activities or fundraisers that did not include the required disclosure of

independence from FCPS or used a South County logo that was not the PTSO logo. Note that FCPS

Regulation 1370.7 states the following.

Independence from FCPS:

Advertisements for events or activities sponsored by school support organizations must include the

following disclaimer: “This event [or activity] is sponsored by the [name of the organization] and is

operated independently of the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, and [name of affiliated


Use of logo:

Official FCPS school names and logos may be used by school support organizations only with the

permission of the school principal and may not be used in such a way so as to imply that the event or

activity is sponsored by the School Board, the Superintendent, or the organization’s affiliated school.

Produce monthly financial reports

Because of the lack of approval of meeting minutes being regularly recorded in the minutes, it was

impossible to determine with certainty whether all meeting minutes were provided and how often

meetings were held. In the event that monthly meetings are not held, note that FCPS Regulation 5810.9

states the following.

School support organizations must: a. Provide an annual budget approved by the organization

membership to the school principal. b. Provide a monthly financial report, including outstanding

obligations, to the organization membership and the principal. c. Provide an annual financial report to

the organization membership and the principal.

Correct classifications of accounts in “Grants in Scholarships” header

Food and Families is a Program Service, not a grant or scholarship program. “Facilities and Programs”

could be Program Services or Academic Enrichment, depending on how the money is spent. While it

makes no difference in the monthly reports, the classification does make a difference for tax return

purposes. Adjustments


1 ANGP - Raising Money Income Expenses Income Expenses

ANGP Tickets (350 @ $60/ea)






ANGP Cash Donations





Class Magnets





Graduation Seat Raffle

$2,415.00 -



Lawn Signs





Tuxedo rental promotion





White House Ornament






$548.50 -



Pampered Chef

$1,200.00 -



Restaurant Nights

$2,787.75 -



Pura Vida Bracelets

$272.00 -



Seasonal Roots

$500.00 -



Cupcake Sales





Craft Fair Vendor Profit Share

$10,000.00 -




Krispie Kreme Donuts

$632.50 -



Graduation Braided Leis

$766.00 -



1 ANGP - Raising Money Totals

$68,881.25 ($12,196.30)

$68,881.25 ($12,196.30)

2 ANGP - The Event Income Expenses Income Expenses

ANGP Decorations/signage





ANGP Entertainment/Activities (part of Venue

rental) - $40,777.91 0 $40,777.91

ANGP Food/Beverage





ANGP Registration/ID Bands





ANGP Photo Booth





ANGP Bingo





ANGP Cash Giveaways





ANGP Security/Safety





ANGP Casino





ANGP Hypnotist - donates time











2 ANGP - The Event Totals

$30.00 ($52,160.96)

$30.00 ($52,160.96)

5 Holiday Extravaganza/Craft Fair Income Expenses Income Expenses

Vendor Booth Fees

$25,080.00 -









Silent Auction

$2,732.37 -




$739.12 -



Book Emporium






South County PTSO FY 2023

Potential Tax Return Adjustments Worksheet

07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024Fun Run (Swim&Dive)






Program ads






$3,800.00 -



PTSO Games






Bonus Marketing

$1,465.00 -



Jingle Bell Kid Shoppe






Santa Sing Along





50/50 Raffle






Spring Fling Kid Carnival

$587.00 -



Spring Fling Dunk Tank

$144.00 -



5 Holiday Extravaganza/Craft Fair Totals





Holiday Extravaganza/Craft Fair Expenses Income Expenses Income Expenses

Maintenance Building Use





Road Signs





Copy Paper (Flyers)





Media Advertising










Misc Supplies





Misc Expenses - Craft Fair





Projected Profit Share with ANGP


$10,000.00 ($10,000.00)



Holiday Extravaganza/Craft Fair Expenses

Totals $112.50 ($15,388.88)

$112.50 ($15,388.88)

3 Membership Income Expenses Income Expenses

Membership Fees

$4,340.00 -



3 Membership Totals

$4,340.00 -



4 Contributions / Fundraising Income Expenses Income Expenses

Donations - Misc

$599.00 -




Interest Income

$496.00 -



Walk of Fame Bricks





4 Contributions / Fundraising Totals





6 Grants & Scholarships Income Expenses Income Expenses

Senior Class Needs





Facilities and Programs ($35,000)





Food for Families





6 Grants & Scholarships Totals





7 Program Services Income Expenses Income Expenses

Career Center





Monthly Events/Recognitions





7 Program Services Totals





8 Academic Enrichment Income Expenses Income Expenses

Classroom Support


$2,208.45 ($200.00)



Club Grants





Student Success Recognition





Science Fair





Teacher Professional Development





8 Academic Enrichment Totals



$0.00 ($10,594.91)8B Teacher/Staff Appreciation Income Expenses Income Expenses

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week





Welcome Back Breakfast





8B Teacher/Staff Appreciation Totals





9 PTSO Operations/Publications Income Expenses Income Expenses

Credit card processing fees





Filing Fees (State Commission Non-Profit

Filing Fee due June 30 each year) - $124.59 0 $124.59

Insurance (Certificate of Insurance, paid May,

coverage Aug-Aug) - $506.00 0 $506.00

Misc - PTSO Operations (paper, ink,

lamination, marketing) - $1,007.52 0 $1,007.52






Software-Finance (MoneyMinder, annually

June) - $199.59 0 $199.59

Software-Membership (Membership Toolkit,

annually July) - $850.00 0 $850.00

Website Maintenance (Go Daddy annually

July/Aug) - $33.16 0 $33.16

9 PTSO Operations/Publications Totals





$120,852.15 ($122,276.76)

$121,447.83 ($112,076.76)

Adjustment for ANGP transfer





$111,447.83 ($102,076.76)

Bank Account Balances 7/1/2023 6/30/2024




ANGP Savings









Audit adjustments made to adjust books for incorrect handling of outstanding checks from 6/30/23 (not recorded in MoneyMinder)

Adjustments necessary to be made for tax return prep to reverse gross up of revenues and expenses--need to be v

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General Meeting Minutes Oct. 17, 2024

10/18/2024 7:43 am

October 17, 2024 General Meeting Minutes


  • Call the meeting to order →7:01pm
  • Attendance
  • Board members:


  • Katie O’Donnell: President
  • Mai Nguyen: Treasurer
  • Kitty Greenstein: 1st VP
  • Renee Flynn: 2nd VP
  • Rachana Garg: Corresponding secretary - Absent
  • Theresa Hull: Recording Secretary 
  • Dr. Samuel Khoshaba: Principal 


  • Membership: 218 (Faculty 48)


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General Meeting Minutes/Budget 5/15/2024

5/20/2024 9:45 am

General PTSO Meeting MINUTES

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 @7P SOCO HS School Library


  • Call the meeting to order - 7:05 pm
  • Attendance - Katie O’Donnell, Ellen Ardrey, Kitty Greenstein, Dr. Samuel Khoshaba, Theresa Hull, Mai Nguyen, Angela Sanders, Lia Lujan, and Kim Parton

South County PTSO FY 2023
Income and Expense Compared to Annual Budget

07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024

For 4/17 PTSO Board Meeting
Current as of 4/16/24


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General meeting minutes - Jan. 18, 2024

2/14/2024 4:34 pm

General PTSO Community Meeting Minutes

Thursday, 18  Jan 2024 @7P South County HS Library


  • Call the meeting to order 7:03 pm
  • Attendance
  • Board members:


      • Katie O’Donnell: President
      • Ellen Ardrey: Treasurer
      • Kitty Greenstein: 1st VP
      • Renee Flynn: 2nd VP
      • Rachana Garg: Corresponding secretary - Absent
      • Melinda Fortunato: Recording Secretary - Absent
      • Dr. Samuel Khoshaba: Principal 


  • Membership: 384 Total (297 Reg., 58 Fac., 17 Unsp., 10 Students, 1 community, 1 Lifetime)


      • Encourage your friends to support the PTSO by becoming a member.
      • We are doing fantastic with 384 members!
      • www.membershiptoolkit.com


  • Principal:
  • Athletic update
  • School will have a boys Varsity Volleyball and Girls Varsity wrestling teams
  • Academic advising season
  • School Counselor appreciation week – Starts 5 Feb 2024
  • PTSO provided 9 bundt cakes for school counselors on 5 Feb 2024.
  • Budget:


    • Treasurer report
  • School/Teachers
    • Teacher professional funding is available by request with application through Dr. Khoshaba
    • Facilities and programs
      • Purchase of Screen Beams for classrooms and Microphones for school wide use
    • Honor roll goodie bags
      • Due to the overwhelming success of past honor roll requests, the PTSO will fund the honor roll recognition bags for 3rd Quarter (100).
    • Students – what else can the PTSO do to support the students throughout the school year?

Possible ideas:

  • College and career center
  • Special PTSO grant for club/organization
    • Additional funding for the food for neighbors program
    • Community events:
      • Spring Fling: 20 April 2024 (Rain date 27 April 2024) 🡪 We need LOTS of community support to make this happen.
        • Holiday Extravaganza 2023 made $10,000 more than budgeted - FANTASTIC
    • Seniors
      • All night Graduation party (ANGP) planning is going strong 🡪 over $25,000 raised so far.
        • Vote for granting ANGP craft fair profit share based on need – vote was yes
      • Next ANGP planning meeting is 6 Feb 2024 at 7P in the library.


  • Next General PTSO meeting will be 20 March 2024 @7P in the library
  • Bring the meeting to a close at 8:02 pm



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General Meeting Minutes November 2023

11/9/2023 6:49 pm

  General Meeting Minutes - Nov. 9th, 2023

Attendees: Katie O’donnell, Kitty Greenstein, Renee Flynn, Melinda Fortunato, Fazila Latep, Muhammad Tamuryani, Ann Wilkie, Tricia Waugh, Steve Waugh, Dr. Khoshaba, Freshta Ibrahimi

SEPT Minutes Approved 11/9/2023

President’s Report


Members - 360 (57 Faculty, 274 Regular). Dr. K will push for more faculty renewals/sign-ups. Display case has updated information including a QR code for quick Toolkit access to sign-up, buy WHO, bracelets, Magnets, etc…

Honor roll - SUG went out asking for HR bag goodies. Bags will be assembled and delivered to 100 Honor Roll students.

Teacher In-Service Lunch - Nov. 6th - Subs from Jersey Mikes delivered to school Monday morning. Thank you to the community for all the extra donations that helped make their day a bit easier. 

ANGP - $60 through February 29th. Then it will increase to $75. 

Ask the community to help with Holiday Extravaganza flyer distribution, road sign duty, set-up and clean-up during the event.

Vote: BHAG - Rename to Facilities and Programs
Vote Yes 11/9/23

Discussion for Facilities & Programs: Marvin Wooten asking for Microphones - 2 handheld for auditorium used by the entire school. Request needs to be completed to include research and price for microphones.

Table This Discussion: Water Fountains - Plumber said no filters in water fountains (new or old ones don’t have filters), its same water as out of the faucet.
Marvin Wooten is checking with the county to see if we are on the list for more.
6 touchless Water Fountains.
14 old Water fountains (PTSO buys 2, School buys 2)

Donations toward Teacher InService Lunch Leftovers - Will be used for 4 Teacher Recognition Coming Up - $25 gift cards (4), $10 gift cards for teacher luncheon.

Treasurer’s Report


We will discuss the revisions made and the funding requests/projected county plans that prompted those changes. To maintain budget transparency, we will need to take a vote. 

Jake Waters, SCHS Technology Specialist, will be attending to explain a funding request and the reason for it. NO SHOW

Holiday Extravaganza


Holiday Extravaganza Dec. 2nd, 2023 - SUG was sent out for Flyer volunteers. Separately, please let us know if you are available to do Road Signs, Set-up night before and Clean-up that evening.  We did not have enough hands on deck for clean-up last year. Use the www.x2vol.com site to log and get volunteer time approved. Time approval and volunteer questions go to craftvol@southcountyptso.org.
Dr. K - Service Hours are not required anymore. Wrestling Team can’t because of a change in tournaments.
**Need Extra Help for breakdown because last year not enough volunteers.
**Susan Baker for French asked for volunteer opportunities.
**Katie asking Volleyball. 

Principal’s Report

Dr. K or AP:

(Upcoming dates, reminders, continued support, appreciation)
Thank you for the lunch - 20 sandwiches leftover (given to custodial staff)
Veterans Day Celebration
Purple Star Designation - military friendly school (good for military moving here)
Academically - focussing on 2 high yield strategies - learning retains longer, 1-engaging lessons 2-student efficacy
Peer Observation
Dude Be Nice Campaign - Anti Bullying/Appreciation combined - be nice & kind to classmates
Female Security Monitor - part time ( Every other day 11-2p) girls bathrooms patrol, current girls assistant volleyball court
4 Full Time Security Monitors
Thanksgiving Break - Wed-Fri
Chronic Absenteeism - We are Yellow for chronic absence.

Next General Meeting will be January 18, 2024. Let’s have a wonderful fall y’all and to quote Tabitha Brown, “If you can’t, don’t you dare go messing up nobody else’s.” 

Meeting Complete: 803pm

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Budget as of Nov 2023

11/8/2023 4:59 pm

South County PTSO FY 2023
General Membership Budget Report

Read More

Board Meeting Minutes Oct 2023

10/12/2023 6:41 pm

Primary Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Oct 12, 2023@ 7pm 

Attendance (Board Members)

  • Dr. Samuel Khoshaba: Principal
  • Ellen Ardrey: Treasurer
  • Kitty Greenstein: 1st VP
  • Renee Flynn: 2nd VP
  • Rachana Garg: Corresponding Secretary
  • Melinda Fortunato: Recording Secretary

Membership (355)

  • 270 Regular, 56 Faculty, 17 Unspecified, 10 Student, 1 Community, 1 Lifetime
    Goal was 300-400 regular, 100% faculty (150 faculty)
    Dr. K will email the nonmembers and ask them again to sign up. Reminder: QR code is on display. Dr. K will add link in his email. Kitty sending details to Dr. K on faculty stats.
  • Dionne Garvin gave front office membership forms for teacher mailboxes

Principal’s Report

  • We need two additional touchless water fountains, each one estimated to cost $1200.00 - Some old fountains don’t work, or they are old and not clean. 2 fountains touchless estimated at $1200ish. County will pay for installation.

  • BHAG Requests for General Membership Meeting - Screenbeams, water fountains, 2 microphones for community use. Need official requests for microphones & water fountains.
  • We need two more $25 gift cards for the PE teacher leaders
    Melinda purchased, Dr. K received and Ellen wrote a check for reimbursement

Treasurer’s Report

  • Taxes Done!
  • Balances
  • Review Classroom Support, Club Grants, etc.

Ellen - professional development, submit receipt to Ellen - at registration or after attended is up to Dr. K

Funding Requests

  • $300 Spanish Books, Yes or No?  Update: Laura sent approval for $300.
  • BHAG: funds used for current requests?

Ellen - auditor asked about urinal partitions' purpose. If this is something the county should provide but Dr. K said they won’t.
Fountains: 10 total needed, asking us for 2 water fountains. Auditors - “Whose property is this? Should be documented that PTSO is gifting it and not responsible for installation or maintenance”
Ellen - Regarding use of BHAG $, at some point we need to ask General Membership to vote on large 

Rachana - what is the limit before taking votes to the membership.
Kitty - Regarding Classroom support, no threshold in bylaws. We should make a threshold.
Ellen - We had $19K of uncategorized donations and Auditors didn’t like that.
***Add water fountains to the General Meeting Agenda - under BHAG.
***Screenbeams for classrooms - Add to water fountains to the General Meeting


$10500 - not a safety issue so the county won’t fix it. Not all classrooms need this. 

Rachana - do we buy a few to see how they work because technology changes and this may become outdated “Pilot” program. 

Dr. K - depends on classroom/type of class - give 2 per department now and try it - 11 departments - 22 now. 

Renee - this needs to be clarified to high priority classrooms. Only teachers who don’t need them are teachers who don’t project. Prioritize Freshman Core classes and some others…
Microphone request for Theater - $500 already approved, she wants 15-20 microphones at $400 each asking for $500-2000 - booked under a classroom, not club. Notification was sent to teachers per the request.
Kitty - Bylaws say we don’t donate to clubs with boosters. Molly’s request was submitted as a Classroom Request.
***Dr. K should ask for an official amount to bring to General Meeting Agenda for water fountains and microphones.
Kitty - $300 for clubs $500 for competition - Need to clarify our thresholds for Classroom Requests.
Rachana - Should have a list from Laura for approvals of donations for future meetings.

  • Water Fountains $1200 Each. 
  • ScreenBeams $10,500 (estimation for 60 classrooms) Looking to start with smaller amount to have a “Pilot” test run.
  • Theater Microphones $400 each and a Macbook $1,000-$3,000 ($500 approved already)

Holiday Extravaganza 2023 Report

  • Review Operating Costs and Efforts needed and made
  • Sponsor Donations - Trademasters, St. James, Potomac Music, Bryn More school, Fairfax Colorectal, Kacey Whitmarsh STate farm, South Fairfax Chamber
  • KIT message for Connie
  • Volunteer Sign-ups Update: Renee sent out SUG for Flyer distribution, sent to art society also
  • Future Needs - volunteers
  • new sponsor signs Ellen hard to hang, approved by Dr. K for cinder block tacks

Renee - Facilities Use Fee - $1680 will be adjusted - revisit hours of custodians

ANGP 2024

  • Kitty - Sold items at game
  • Rachana - fundraising over budget, 50 tickets sold + donation, January 15 last day for $60 ticket price…will increase to $75 the 16th.
    Renee - ANGP should share signup genius

Honor Roll Bags

  • Send out Sign-Up Genius HR donation request at the end October. 
  • Make bags and give to Marci G. by mid November

Review Action Items and Correspondence 

Extravaganza: Send AP Lisa Beskinas copy of Extravaganza Flyer and Volunteer requests. Look to reduce the cost of Facility Use cost by limiting the need of Janitorial hours. Purchase new banners. Email staff at other schools to give heads up about free admission. Order concrete hooks once we know what kind of rivet the signs are made with. Get with a book basket builder friend to go over the needs of the book emporium.

Membership: Kitty will email Dionne to make a list showing full membership with a breakdown of each type of member. Dr. K will remind teachers to renew memberships.

Toolkit: On Toolkit, the list of Board members still reads Ann Wilkie as president and we need to check other names. Kitty will email Steve, if she can’t make the changes. 

Next Teacher in Service- Nov. 6th: We need to order 10 more veggie subs per the 

request of some. Jersey Mikes, right?

Honor Roll: SUG for goodies needed will go out at the end of month. Kitty making bags and giving to Marci by mid November. 

BHAG $ Use: Per the request from Dr. K, Kitty will ask Marvin Wooten to make official Funding requests for 2 microphones and 2 water fountains. Along with these two requests, there’s also the screenbeams request that needs to be presented to the community at a general meeting. In order to not get into “hot water” with the auditor, we need to show complete transparency with the budget and not approve funding for items that Do Not fall under any current line made on the budget to date. 

I suggest we rename the BHAG line to something like, NCC, Not County Covered, we get the idea… 

We present our current needs, at a General Meeting, with the idea that the BHAG funds can and will be used for requests that the county will not cover. We also need to give the agenda for this General meeting out to the community asap…if we don’t have enough people attend we can’t get the changes needed to the budget passed. 

Next Board Meeting

  • December 7, 630pm…will figure out the location later. We needed to have it early because of schedule conflicts. Melinda has offered her place up again. 

Upcoming Events per Dr K
Nov 6: staff lunch - veg options need more per Rachana feedback from teachers - 10 more
Nov 8: 10am ribbon cutting ceremony Mural - geared toward autism. 3D art installation created by a commissioned artist for students with sensory capabilities.
OCT 25: 10am senior class info meeting for students about Jostens Class Rings
Oct 28: 10 am Ribbon Cutting New Fire Station

END Meeting - 9pm

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General Meeting Minutes - Sept 2023

9/21/2023 7:00 pm

South County PTSO

Type of Meeting: General Membership Meeting

Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, September 21, 2023 @ 7:00 PM 

Location: South County High School Library

Meeting Called to Order: 7:04 PM

Attendance: Katie O’Donnell, Pres., Kitty Greenstein, 1st VP, Renee Flynn, 2nd VP, Ellen Ardry, Treasurer, Dr. Khoshaba, Principal. See attached for members in attendance.

Katie O’Donnell-Welcome and Introduction. Stressed the importance of membership. The current membership is 77 and our goal is to add 150 new members. 

Dr. Khoshaba, Principal-State of our school presentation

Introduction, welcome, and slide presentation.

Transparency regarding issues at SCHS. “Beliefs about Educating Students”

  • Crazy for kids
  • Curious
  • Consistency 
  • Culture-nurture all kids

Teacher vacancies filled with long-term sub-not the goal, but there are very few applicants. Only one long-term sub currently.

Strengths at SCHS:

  • Art-many students participated in art show at the Workhouse looking to move this to SCHS
  • 60+ Clubs
  • New Murals that represent students-several new over the summer
  • Trusted adult initiative-every student is encouraged to have a trusted adult at SCHS
  • Strong Fine Arts Dept: Band, Orchestra, Choir, Theater, Guitar
  • Strong Sports Programs

School Survey from last year:

Parents/Students/Teachers: overall positive

Staff: expressed the need to have more access to Dr. Khoshaba. He will address by:

  • Adding a leadership cohort
  • New staff 0-3 experience work towards connecting with them
  • Attendance at team meetings
  • Observation in classrooms
  • Mobile office

SOL Results show SCHS is excelling above county averages.

Breakdown of SCHS Student Body:

  • 2177 enrolled
  • 126 ESOL
  • 272 SPED
  • 323 Military Connected Youth
  • Ethnically-Very Diverse School

Behavior is an area of concern:

  • Cutting Class 167 students (21% of discipline)
  • Cell phone violations 74 (9% of discipline)
  • Insubordination 74 (9% of discipline)
  • Unexcused Tardies 61 (8% of discipline

Plans to work with all at-risk groups to reduce discipline infractions.

A county team is being put into place to support SCHS families and students in at risk groups. Specialists from the Family Engagement @ FCPS Gatehouse working on family outreach.

SCHS is proud to be a Red Bag School

  • Food pantry for SCHS and surrounding community 
  • Lead by parent Karen McGuinnes and Claudia Jones, Asst. Principle
  • Link on PTSO Facebook page for families to sign up to be donors

Another area of improvement: Absenteeism SCHS is at level 2- we need to improve. Parents can help by ensuring kids are coming to school, traveling during school closure days, etc.

Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS): Fairfax County Police to offer an interactive parent program touching on drug and alcohol abuse, mental health, eating disorders, risky sexual behaviors, etc. The next presentation is October 16th at Sully Station

Parent request for Dr. Khoshaba:

  • Better communication regarding what grade levels attend school on days when PSAT/SAT are given in school.
  • Better communication/clarification of what days are necessary for kids to attend (parents voiced kids were told in some classes they didn’t need to come). The concern is that this affects our absenteeism level.

Academic Focus-High Yield Strategies 4-Year Plan

  • 2 each year 
  • 2023-2024 
    • Getting students engage in content
    • Building student self-efficacy

What parents want students to know about high school in 2023.

  • Coping with stress is a daily struggle
  • I try really hard even if my grade doesn’t show it
  • Cyberbullying is more common vs. physical bullying
  • Grade change and parent should wait a week
  • It’s difficult and stressful to balance school and college applications
  • We mostly do work on our computers all day

How can parents help?

  • Brainstorm ways to reduce stress
  • Encourage attendance
  • Discuss cellphone use during school-allowed between classes and at lunch
  • Monitor sleep patterns
  • Check student social media accounts for cyberbullying

Treasurer Report-Ellen Ardry

  • Need to approve 2023-2024 proposed budget-print outs on tables for review by general membership-APPROVED by membership
  • Changes we made from previous year
    • Page 2 #6 Senior Class needs
    • Page 2 #7 Monthly events and recognitions (roll Mosaic, Hispanic Heritage, etc into one line item
    • Page 2 #8 Teacher and Professional Development $5500
    • Page 2 #9 12 month CD-reinvest to earn money. Need to have aprox. $10,000 to start off each school year-insurance, etc. 
  • BUDGET APPROVED and May 18th general membership meeting approved
  • If we need to make changes we will come back to the membership
  • BHAG-Big Hairy Audacious Goal
    • Need committee to vet ideas for possible execution
    • If interested pleas sign up (available that night)
  • School/Teachers: 
    • PTSO funded 6 professional development opportunities for teachers
    • Classroom and club funding requests:
      • Must be received by 1st and 3rd of each by 12pm
      • All requests must go through mini-grants chair
  • Katie O’Donnell:
    • Sign-up genius for snack donations for teacher development day-PTSO will purchase subs
    • Sign-up genius for $5 gift card donations for Honor Roll -PTSO will purchase 50/100
      • 100 bags with gift cards, granola bars, candy 
      • Principles/Admin- draw randomly and pass out in Advisory
  • Renee Flynn-Lorton Holiday Extravaganza and Craft Show: 
    • Explanation of event-one of the largest fund raisers
    • We need volunteers- sign-ups available at meeting. Watch for sign-up genius to come for flyer distribution, road signs and banners.
  • Katie O’Donnell-All Night Grad Party Fundraising going well approx. $4500, but much more needed to keep ticket prices down. Party is approx. $35,000.

Meeting Adjourned 8:20 PM

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