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General Meeting Minutes/Budget 5/15/2024

General PTSO Meeting MINUTES

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 @7P SOCO HS School Library


  • Call the meeting to order - 7:05 pm
  • Attendance - Katie O’Donnell, Ellen Ardrey, Kitty Greenstein, Dr. Samuel Khoshaba, Theresa Hull, Mai Nguyen, Angela Sanders, Lia Lujan, and Kim Parton
  • Board members:


      • Katie O’Donnell: President
      • Ellen Ardrey: Treasurer
      • Kitty Greenstein: 1st VP
      • Renee Flynn: 2nd VP
      • Rachana Garg: Corresponding secretary
      • Melinda Fortunato: Recording Secretary
      • Dr. Samuel Khoshaba: Principal


  • Membership:


      • Encourage your friends to support the PTSO by becoming a member.
      • Need to encourage rising Freshman to join so they can be in the know about HS events.
      • We are doing fantastic with 400 members!


  • PTSO board
  • New PTSO Board Officers 

   Edit June 12, 2024: Uncontested single winner for Recording Secretary is Theresa Hull.

      • Angelia Sanders (Nomination Committee Representative) presented the two candidates running for 2024-2025 Treasurer; Mai Nguyen and Angie Johnson. Angie Johnson was absent for tonight’s meeting. Mai Nguyen gave a short self introduction explaining her background as a certified accountant and auditor. She has a rising Senior, Junior, and freshman.  Angelia Sanders read out Angie Johnson’s nomination form. Angie Johnson has two rising 9th graders. She can do “all the math” and was treasurer for two other schools’ PTA and PTO. 
      • Angelia Sanders called for everyone to make their vote for Mai or Angie. All raised hands for Mai Nguyen. Mai voted into the board as our new 2024-2025 Treasurer. Angelia closed out with congratulations and stating, “Thanks to everyone for participating in this year’s election process. There are many opportunities to serve, and we hope you will consider other leadership positions.” 


  • Budget:


    • Treasurer report

Ellen Ardrey: ‘Senior Class Needs’ budget line added. $1400. This line supports all seniors in need of funds to pay for senior dues. We are not given student names. We are told an amount needed to cover the students in need and funds are raised through a Go Fund Me and Krispy Kreme Donuts. Katie will present a check of those funds at the senior rehearsal evening June 5th and 7th. Another item about the budget, under Academic Enrichment (section 8), leftover money from the Teacher Professional Development line was moved to section 8B to Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week line. This helped cover a lunch that included $5 gift cards to all teachers. 

  • Spring Fling 
  • Ellen: Spring Fling accounting will be completed soon. 
  • PTSO Board will meet to discuss the budget  and calendar establishment will occur on 17 June 2024



  • Principal:


    • Dr. Khoshaba: Appreciation and thank you to the PTSO for supporting the monthly observances and events, Stallions for Success, and all the mini-grants. 
    • Katie: Thank you to Laura McCarthy for carrying out a great year with the new mini-grant schedule and of course continuing as our mini-grant chair. 


  • Principal budget items


  • Dr. K: Discussed some ideas for improvement or change. The digital marquee questionnaire was sent out, but not enough people chimed in. We’re still unsure whether to leave it or demo and how much would that cost. Replacing it would be around $30,000. No decision was made. 
  • Dr. K: WestField High has a great seating area that replaced an old locker bay. They had it demo’d for about $40,000 two years ago, so that’s an idea of demo costs. Dr. K showed an example of the cross section of a big seating arrangement he liked from this school. Most expressed positive feedback for this, but we need to find someone to either donate the demo or drastically reduce the price for it. Katie: Also, to use durable materials for the seating, if we were to go forward with this.
  • Dr. K: Instructional Supplies funding requested for new year $10,000. Staff Professional Development $5,000. Personal Professional Development requested as well. There are about three conferences in the new year he would like to attend. Registration can run from $500-$800. Hotels can run from $250-$300. 
  • Ellen: Stated hotels are not covered according to our “by-laws”. [Correction: Our by-laws do not go into detail about funding restrictions. We have those restrictions indicated on our funding request forms. Currently, it is stated on our Classroom support form that we do not give funding for hotels.] This correction was added and to be approved along with these minutes at the next General Meeting.



  • 20th anniversary for the school ðŸ¡ª 2025


Dr. K: There’s a committee already put together and will hold the first meeting possibly on  June 6th at 1pm. They are thinking about having the celebration held during next year’s Spring Fling in 2025. He may use the app “Doodle” to help the community narrow down dates for the meetings. 

Dr. K: Let’s make sure to invite students to the General meetings.


    • Community events: ANGP June 10th,  Monday -  11 pm-5 am 
    • Ellen: ANGP short on ticket sells, but doing very well with fundraising. Tickets are $75/ticket. 
    • Angelia: Do kids know everything they need to know about ANGP and how to buy tickets? 
    • Katie: Yes, they should. Information has been shared and posted on our site and in the school newsletter. ANGP meetings are held periodically. 
    • Dr. K: 20% of our student population is on Free and Reduced Lunch…about 600 kids. Someone mentioned no transportation to the event may have slowed ticket sales. Katie mentioned many can 
    • arrange public transportation or car pools. We looked into renting a bus, but that got to be too difficult.
    • Katie: Yard Signs are still available for purchase. Approx. 17 left of the Generic ones. So far we’ve raised about $2100 in yard signs…still collecting. We originally purchased a total of 238 signs (173 personalized and 65 generic) and are down to about 17 Generic signs. 
    • Katie continued to explain the fundraising process and those that have donated; car dealerships, restaurants, Silverbrook Elementary, private donors, etc. 
    • There are so many activities planned for the ANGP. 
    • Katie: We started using the St. James location in 2021. It’s easier to have the event there for many reasons. 
    • Katie: Heads Up about Pampered Chef fundraising event after the next year’s graduation date has been set…probably in August. Pampered Chef has a good program for fundraising. Last year’s event raised about $1200. 


  • Next General PTSO meeting will be after the start of the 2024-2025 school year


Katie: Next Board meeting June 17th. New board members please attend. We’ll discuss the budget and new positions needed for next year. 

Thank you to all attending tonight. 


  • Bring the meeting to a close 7:50 pm



Starting balance as of 07/01/2023 $66,987.13
1 ANGP - Raising Money Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less
ANGP Tickets (350 @ $60/ea) $15,975.00 $21,000.00 -$100.00 - $15,875.00 $21,000.00 -$5,125.00
ANGP Cash Donations $9,958.21 $5,000.00 - - $9,958.21 $5,000.00 $4,958.21
Class Magnets $897.73 $988.00 -$513.15 -$588.00 $384.58 $400.00 -$15.42
Graduation Seat Raffle $1,955.00 $2,000.00 - - $1,955.00 $2,000.00 -$45.00
Lawn Signs $5,040.00 $4,466.00 -$2,920.50 -$2,666.00 $2,119.50 $1,800.00 $319.50
Tuxedo rental promotion - $500.00 - - - $500.00 -$500.00
White House Ornament $10,100.00 $12,500.00 -$8,550.00 -$8,550.00 $1,550.00 $3,950.00 -$2,400.00
Popcorn $548.50 $200.00 - - $548.50 $200.00 $348.50
Pampered Chef $1,200.00 $1,000.00 - - $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $200.00
Restaurant Nights $2,708.00 $3,000.00 - - $2,708.00 $3,000.00 -$292.00
Pura Vida Bracelets $272.00 $500.00 - - $272.00 $500.00 -$228.00
Seasonal Roots $460.00 $80.00 - - $460.00 $80.00 $380.00
Cupcake Sales $563.56 - -$52.00 - $511.56 - $511.56
Craft Fair Vendor Profit Share $10,000.00 - - - $10,000.00 - $10,000.00
Krispie Kreme Donuts $632.50 - - - $632.50 - $632.50
1 ANGP - Raising Money Totals $60,310.50 $51,234.00 -$12,135.65 -$11,804.00 $48,174.85 $39,430.00 $8,744.85
2 ANGP - The Event Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less
ANGP Decorations - - - -$200.00 - -$200.00 $200.00
ANGP Entertainment/Activities
(part of Venue rental)

- - -$7,389.66 -$30,000.00 -$7,389.66 -$30,000.00 $22,610.34
ANGP Food/Beverage - - - -$300.00 - -$300.00 $300.00
ANGP Registration/ID Bands - - - -$450.00 - -$450.00 $450.00
ANGP Photo Booth - - -$622.50 -$1,300.00 -$622.50 -$1,300.00 $677.50
ANGP Bingo - - - -$1,200.00 - -$1,200.00 $1,200.00
ANGP Cash Giveaways - - - -$2,000.00 - -$2,000.00 $2,000.00
ANGP Security/Safety - - - -$1,000.00 - -$1,000.00 $1,000.00
ANGP Casino - - - -$2,300.00 - -$2,300.00 $2,300.00
ANGP Hypnotist - donates time - - - - - - -
ANGP Misc $30.00 - -$184.71 -$150.00 -$154.71 -$150.00 -$4.71
2 ANGP - The Event Totals $30.00 - -$8,196.87 -$38,900.00 -$8,166.87 -$38,900.00 $30,733.13
5 Holiday Extravaganza/Craft
Fair Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less


5 Holiday Extravaganza/Craft
Fair Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less
Vendor Booth Fees $25,080.00 $13,500.00 - - $25,080.00 $13,500.00 $11,580.00
Admission $3,464.75 $2,000.00 -$500.00 - $2,964.75 $2,000.00 $964.75
Silent Auction $2,732.37 $1,500.00 - - $2,732.37 $1,500.00 $1,232.37
Concessions $739.12 $750.00 - - $739.12 $750.00 -$10.88
Book Emporium $2,040.00 $1,000.00 -$500.00 - $1,540.00 $1,000.00 $540.00
Fun Run (Swim&Dive) $1,038.00 $400.00 -$505.00 -$200.00 $533.00 $200.00 $333.00
Program ads - $1,000.00 - - - $1,000.00 -$1,000.00
Sponsorship $3,800.00 $3,500.00 - - $3,800.00 $3,500.00 $300.00
PTSO Games $623.00 $350.00 -$350.00 - $273.00 $350.00 -$77.00
Bonus Marketing $1,465.00 $150.00 - - $1,465.00 $150.00 $1,315.00
Jingle Bell Kid Shoppe $810.00 $110.00 -$600.00 - $210.00 $110.00 $100.00
Santa Sing Along - $50.00 - - - $50.00 -$50.00
50/50 Raffle $255.00 $200.00 -$153.00 - $102.00 $200.00 -$98.00
Spring Fling Kid Carnival $587.00 - - - $587.00 - $587.00
Spring Fling Dunk Tank $144.00 - - - $144.00 - $144.00
5 Holiday Extravaganza/Craft
Fair Totals

$42,778.24 $24,510.00 -$2,608.00 -$200.00 $40,170.24 $24,310.00 $15,860.24

Holiday Extravaganza/Craft
Fair Expenses Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net
Maintenance Building Use - - -$1,680.00 -$1,680.00 -$1,680.00 -$1,680.00 -
Road Signs - - - -$300.00 - -$300.00 $300.00
Copy Paper (Flyers) - - - -$700.00 - -$700.00 $700.00
Media Advertising - - -$514.76 -$1,200.00 -$514.76 -$1,200.00 $685.24
Banners - - -$1,275.25 -$350.00 -$1,275.25 -$350.00 -$925.25
Misc Supplies - - -$159.15 -$350.00 -$159.15 -$350.00 $190.85
Misc Expenses - Craft Fair $112.50 - -$1,519.72 -$3,000.00 -$1,407.22 -$3,000.00 $1,592.78
Projected Profit Share with

- - -$10,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$10,000.00 -$10,000.00 -

Holiday Extravaganza/Craft
Fair Expenses Totals

$112.50 - -$15,148.88 -$17,580.00 -$15,036.38 -$17,580.00 $2,543.62

3 Membership Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net
Membership Fees $4,320.00 $6,000.00 - - $4,320.00 $6,000.00 -$1,680.00
3 Membership Totals $4,320.00 $6,000.00 - - $4,320.00 $6,000.00 -$1,680.00
4 Contributions / Fundraising Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net
Donations - Misc $599.00 - - - $599.00 - $599.00
Interest Income $0.28 $0.10 - - $0.28 $0.10 $0.18
Walk of Fame Bricks $1,595.00 $2,500.00 -$787.51 -$1,200.00 $807.49 $1,300.00 -$492.51
4 Contributions / Fundraising

$2,194.28 $2,500.10 -$787.51 -$1,200.00 $1,406.77 $1,300.10 $106.67

6 Grants & Scholarships Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less


6 Grants & Scholarships Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less
Senior Class Needs - - -$1,400.00 -$2,500.00 -$1,400.00 -$2,500.00 $1,100.00
Facilities and Programs

- - - -$33,000.00 - -$33,000.00 $33,000.00
Food for Families - - -$2,000.00 -$2,000.00 -$2,000.00 -$2,000.00 -
6 Grants & Scholarships Totals - - -$3,400.00 -$37,500.00 -$3,400.00 -$37,500.00 $34,100.00
7 Program Services Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net
Career Center - - - -$1,000.00 - -$1,000.00 $1,000.00
Monthly Events/Recognitions - - -$1,611.63 -$4,000.00 -$1,611.63 -$4,000.00 $2,388.37
7 Program Services Totals - - -$1,611.63 -$5,000.00 -$1,611.63 -$5,000.00 $3,388.37
8 Academic Enrichment Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net
Classroom Support - - -$1,660.41 -$2,000.00 -$1,660.41 -$2,000.00 $339.59
Club Grants - - -$3,321.49 -$3,000.00 -$3,321.49 -$3,000.00 -$321.49
Student Success Recognition - - -$1,208.95 -$1,500.00 -$1,208.95 -$1,500.00 $291.05
Science Fair - - -$633.25 -$600.00 -$633.25 -$600.00 -$33.25
Teacher Professional

- - -$2,972.77 -$5,500.00 -$2,972.77 -$5,500.00 $2,527.23
8 Academic Enrichment Totals - - -$9,796.87 -$12,600.00 -$9,796.87 -$12,600.00 $2,803.13
8B Teacher/Staff Appreciation Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net

Teacher/Staff Appreciation

- - -$4,897.52 -$2,500.00 -$4,897.52 -$2,500.00 -$2,397.52
Welcome Back Breakfast $55.15 - -$1,258.85 -$1,500.00 -$1,203.70 -$1,500.00 $296.30
8B Teacher/Staff Appreciation

$55.15 - -$6,156.37 -$4,000.00 -$6,101.22 -$4,000.00 -$2,101.22

Operations/Publications Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net
Credit card processing fees $2.61 - -$2,423.75 -$3,000.00 -$2,421.14 -$3,000.00 $578.86
Filing Fees (State Commission
Non-Profit Filing Fee due June 30
each year)

- - -$99.59 -$25.00 -$99.59 -$25.00 -$74.59

Insurance (Certificate of
Insurance, annually May/June)

- - - -$490.00 - -$490.00 $490.00

Misc - PTSO Operations (paper,
ink, lamination, marketing)

- - -$1,007.52 -$750.00 -$1,007.52 -$750.00 -$257.52
Postage - - - -$25.00 - -$25.00 $25.00
(MoneyMinder, annually June)

- - -$199.59 -$179.50 -$199.59 -$179.50 -$20.09

(Membership Toolkit, annually

- - - -$750.00 - -$750.00 $750.00

Website Maintenance (Go
Daddy annually July/Aug)

- - -$33.16 -$33.16 -$33.16 -$33.16 -

9 PTSO Operations/Publications

$2.61 - -$3,763.61 -$5,252.66 -$3,761.00 -$5,252.66 $1,491.66


12 Month CD Actual Income

Income Actual Expenses


12 Month CD Actual Income Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less

Income Actual Expenses

Expenses Actual Net Budget Net More/-Less

12 Month CD, maturing July

- $10,530.00 -$10,000.00 - -$10,000.00 $10,530.00 -$20,530.00
12 Month CD Totals - $10,530.00 -$10,000.00 - -$10,000.00 $10,530.00 -$20,530.00
Grand Totals

$109,803.28 $94,774.10 -$73,605.39 -$134,036.66 $36,197.89 -$39,262.56 $75,460.45
Increase in funds $36,197.89
Funds available as of 06/30/2024 $103,185.02

1VP PTSO on 5/20/2024 9:45 am

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