
Form Title

Form Purpose

Check Request Form Process a bill to be paid or request reimbursement from the PTSO for a cost incurred
Classroom Support form Request PTSO funding for classroom items or projects not covered by the FCPS budget--available only to faculty who are PTSO members
Cash Box Request form Request a PTSO supplied cashbox with initial funding to support a PTSO sales event
Deposit Voucher form Record cash/checks to deposit to PTSO bank account after sales event 
Nomination Form Nominate someone for elected PTSO office
Club Request Form Use this form to ask for financial support of a SCHS club (sponsors must be PTSO members)






Document Title

Document Purpose 

VA Sales Tax Exemption

Verification of Exempt from Virginia Sales taxes because of PTSO's 501(c)3 non-profit status

PTSO Monetary Policy/Procedures

Policy document on PTSO financial procedures

IRS Determination Letter 

Verification of the PTSO's 501(c)3 status

PTSO Letterhead (Word format, download and save)

MS-Word blank document with the South County PTSO logo

PTSO Bylaws

Documents governance of the PTSO



Upcoming Events