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Meeting minutes from May 14, 2020

Type of Meeting: Membership Meeting
Date of Meeting: May 14, 2020 @ 7pm
Meeting Location: Online Blackboard Collaborate Meeting
Call to Order


• The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. A quorum was present.

• Minutes from the membership meeting held on February 10, 2020 were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report (Henderson/Hopkins)


• At this time, the PTSO has not suffered significant financial impact from COVID-19 as most of our fundraising income comes earlier in the year. Our silent auction that we planned on adding this spring will be moved to sometime next year. Most of the spending for the year will also be completed as well; there are a few areas where activities were canceled but they were not particularly large. We were able to provide the school with a check to install water bottle refill stations (voted on by the membership at the last meeting) and are in the process of providing gifts for Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week.
Election (Henderson)


• The slate provided by the Nominating Committee was presented. There were no additional nominations from the floor. A vote was held for the slate in total (see below) and was unanimously approved. New officers will take their positions after the final Board meeting of the year on June 1.


PTSO Officers: ● President: Cassy Gilmore ● 1st VP: Kristen Pastino ● 2nd VP: Patty Klunder ● Treasurer: Kidada Bivens ● Corresponding Secretary: Renee Flynn ● Recording Secretary: Julie Hopkins


Adjournment (Henderson)
The meeting was adjourned at 7:12pm.

PTSO Webmaster on 5/14/2020 8:48 am