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Meeting minutes from April 2, 2020

SOUTH COUNTY PTSO Type of Meeting: Board (Special) Meeting Date: April 2, 2020 Meeting Location: by phone

On phone: Nannette Henderson, Carla Olivo, Patty Klunder, Cassy Gilmore, Julie Hopkins
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.


The Board met virtually to discuss alterations to plans given the stay at home order issued by the Governor since the last Board meeting.
1. ANGP – There was a discussion on the status of the All Night Grad Party. The ANGP Committee met on Monday 3/30.
• People still want to do something. Possibly hold an event later in June or July?
• FCPS facilities closed for community use through June 30
• Cassy will survey senior parents re: interest/availability in July
• Fundraising is way down. Flocking did not really happen, and there will be no tux rental program revenue. No solicitation has been done for cash donations.
• Do we need to return grad seat raffle money? Need graduation decision.
• Only 8 prizes have been purchased so far; probably not really returnable. If there is no party, those prizes will be raffled off; method to be determined.
• Possibly move $10,000 money from craft fair back to PTSO? This money was not restricted to ANGP use; it was a Board designation to move it to ANGP.
• Fire Marshal – a lot of work needs to be done with this; no drawings submitted yet.
• The company producing lawn signs is still operating and can produce them; will need to figure out how to safely distribute.
2. Baccalaureate – There is a desire to keep the Baccalaureate celebration if possible; it may be more important to people if an in person graduation is not possible.
• Becky Chaves will talk to the church and see if they are willing to set aside two potential dates in June (mid and end)
• Will probably need to do virtual auditions, speakers should be pretty easy to get given the circumstances; there is a lot of public support for 2020 graduates.
• 1200 capacity in church
3. Scholarships – Given that many families are experiencing financial hardship, is there a way to increase the scholarships offered without significantly deviating from budget approved by membership?
• $2,000 budgeted (four at $500)
• Career center ($500 budgeted) money will not be spent on senior college visits. Proposed to add to scholarship funds since the career center funds were also to benefit seniors.
• Cassy made a motion to re-allocate the career center funds to scholarships, Patty 2nd the motion. A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.
4. Membership drive – will not push at this time.
5. Online auction (mid-May timeframe)
• Athletic Boosters has moved the golf tournament to October.
• Move online auction to fall. Peggy Shahin is coordinating the auction.
6. Walk of Fame --
• Will continue to promote this in order to give senior parents another chance at buying and getting installed before the end of the year.
7. Hospitality – probably not able to spend the remaining money. Will see if there is a way to use it on some sort of social event once stay at home orders are lifted.
8. Academic Letters – still need to give them to Seniors for this year; Nannette will talk to Academic Letter committee to see what they can work out with Student Services.
9. Teacher/Staff Appreciation. Since we will be unable to hold the traditional lunch at school during the first of May, need to come up with an alternative.
• Cassy has asked Principal Morris about some ideas. She is currently looking at
o A. Bozzelli’s pre-packaged meal
o B. Voucher from local restaurant (perhaps Antonelli’s?)
o C. Teachers get-together this summer?
• There was a question raised about whether we could figure out a way that we pay only for vouchers that are redeemed. We don’t want to pay for vouchers/gift cards to restaurants that never get redeemed.
10. Club Sponsor Appreciation
• Since we are unable to deliver appreciation gifts to class sponsors, we will send each of them Amazon gift certificate ($10 each) electronically. Patty offered to coordinate.
11. Classroom Support and Club Grants – all the money not expected to be spent, but we will continue to accept requests.
12. Elections
• Annual meeting is still expected to be held as scheduled on May 14. Nannette is still researching, but it looks like there is a way to do electronic voting within state law.
• Nominating committee is actively seeking out/talking to nominees.
13. Social Media – There is a concern about our lack of social media presence generally.
• Nannette to follow up on reposting certain relevant FCPS items, but need to balance against repetitive overload. Nannette is not getting content generally from committee chairs to be able to pass it on to be posted.
• May want to investigate doing a future Board meeting or parent coffee as a FB Live meeting? This may help bring new people to our social media accounts.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Next meeting: June 1

PTSO Webmaster on 4/2/2020 11:45 pm