Back to PTSO Meeting Minutes
meeting minutes from November 9, 2020

PTSO Board Meeting

November 9. 2020

Attending: Cassy Gilmore, Kidada Bivins, Patty Klunder, Julie Hopkins, Gary Morris, Renee Flynn, Steve Waugh, Laura Gedra, Ann Wilkie, Blain Getachew Onibudo, Elena Jordon, Ellen Ardrey, Kristen Pastino, Melinda Fortunato



1. Call to Order 7 p.m.

2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Membership
b. White House ornaments
c. Lawn signs
d. Turned in check for freshman t-shirts last week ($1300)
e. HOBY funding – offsets attendance fees for annual conference. Virtual this year.

3. Principal’s report: Gary Morris
a. Making some adjustments going into second quarter.
b. Coordinated policies (late grades, etc). Having to adjust policies and be more flexible.
c. Group 5 starts in the building on Nov 16. No more than 25 students in the building at school daily.
d. Athletics will kick off and allow students in the building on Nov 16. May push back co-curricular activities to Nov 30 (ex. Band, drama, DECA).
e. Student COVID case: FCPS requires school to send out email. Check email message today. Case is closed for the school at this time.
f. PSAT test for sophomores – has not been determined at this time, but not likely to occur.

4. Academic Awards: Ann Wilkie
a. 377 students based on 3.8 GPA criteria. 662 qualified for pins.
b. Ordered what is needed for these students.
c. Volunteers needed for stuffing envelopes and will figure out how to distribute to students.
d. Lifetouch is sending out proofs in about 3 weeks, so maybe pick-up can be coordinated

5. ANGP: Cassy Gilmore
a. No chairperson at this time
b. Cannot set venue, ticket price, further details until January
c. Must decide by Dec 1 if we will re-sign Ultimate Amusements Contract ($5000 down-payment from last year). Will require additional 50% to confirm/hold contract.
d. According to the contract, if we cancel or do not hold the ANGP we lose the entire deposit.
e. Are other vendors including a clause in the contract that protects consumers?
f. Gary will check with other high schools to see what they are doing for ANGP at this point.
g. Once we have more information, Board will meet again at the end of the month

6. Lorton Extravaganza Holiday Market (Craft Fair) – Renee Flynn
a. Please share and like our post to market the event!!!
b. About 20 vendors – they are in our community and helping give back to us
c. All money goes to ANGP
e. Post marketing information on different pages if you can!

7. Military Connections: Laura Gedra, Elena Jordon
a. Veteran’s Day event at the flag pole on Wednesday at 7 AM, co-hosted by Military Connections and Military Connected Youth.
b. Registered to do wreath-laying ceremony for mid-December, but Tomb of Unknown Soldier is now closed through the end of 2020. Will re-apply in the spring.
c. Participating in Wreaths Across America in December and pick-up in January
d. Cassy will send out email through Membership Toolkit. Megan Pastino will send info out too

8. Social Media: Blain Getachew Onibudo
a. Facebook and Twitter pages
b. Will send out three announcements: what the PTSO does, please join membership, support Craft Show

9. Membership
a. Down 70% from last year
b. May send email out to new parents, looking for new ways to get messages out
c. Suggestion: always include a link to the website when you send out emails.

10. Other Business
a. Minutes from last meeting – approved

Motion to approve: Renee Flynn, Second: Steve Waugh

b. School needs in-school monitors. Please refer to KIT message for details…. Contact Mr. Morris for more information

11. Openings
a. Teacher of the Year
b. Beautification



Upcoming Events:

Dec 4th Coffee at 10 AM
Jan 11th Board Meeting


Adjourned 7:54 p.m


PTSO Webmaster on 2/21/2021 8:26 pm