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General membership meeting February 22, 2021



Attending: Cassy Gilmore, Julie Hopkins, Patty Klunder, Kidada Bivins, Izzy Grassley, Steve Waugh, Catric Marshall, Audrey Wiggins, Lisa Muir, Blain Getachew, Leslie Fisher, Amanda Espinola, Pam Coleman, Catherine Apergis (SCMS PTSO President), Jeff Jennings, Kisha Jennings, JoAnne Valenzia, Renee Flynn, Alane Dent, Ann Wilkie, Barb Cammarata, Carina Harrison, Charlene Lane, Elena Jordon, Ellen Ardrey, Emily Strong, Gary Morris, Heather Frost, Kristen Pastino, K. Wilson, L. White, Laura Gedra, Linda Shealey Cook, Lilly (?), Lita Higgins, Monique (?), Sandra (?), T. Blanchard, Deb (?)


  1. Call to Order 7:01 p.m. by Cassy Gilmore
  2. Thank you to tonight’s speakers, and to SCMS parents
  3. Minutes: Review/Approval of minutes from November 9, 2020

Vote: Julie Hopkins motion to approve; Patty Klunder second

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Mid-Feb: ANGP donations, class magnets, White House ornaments final deposit has been made. Yard signs are also being sold. Membership trickling in, and miscellaneous donations
  3. Golf Tournament money has been received. $1,880.81
  4. Craft Fair money has been deposited
  5. New program (Patty Klunder): Stallion Readers
  6. Will work with Laurel Hill next school year
  7. Excited to involve football team and other groups to reinstate this program
  8. ANGP: meeting on Wednesday
  9. Need chairperson
  10. Please attend and be a part of it
  11. Announcements
  12. March 12th 9 a.m. Principal Coffee
  13. March 22nd: next PTSO meeting
  14. Principal Report
  15. New student/freshman tour today – very successful
  16. Thank you to PTSO for welcome back breakfast
  17. Monitors are in place and ready to get to work.
  18. PPE delivered to classrooms, hallways marked, cafeteria set up, sanitation procedures in place, technology is working
  19. Town Hall meeting on Wednesday – Principal Morris is excited to talk about what school looks like now. Expect an adjustment period.
  20. Students should still engage in school work on Thursday and Friday – these are asynchronous days
  21. District is talking about in-person graduation and options
  22. Adjourned 7:30 p.m.

Library – Ms. Strong & Mrs. Muir

Books can be reserved and picked up safely.

Books quarantined when they are returned to school

Please have your seniors check on library fees. Emails are currently going out re. books.

Current 9th graders – return your books from the middle school. SCHS Library will help return overdue books to other schools!!

9th-11th graders: e-mails re. overdue books will be sent out in March

**  Projects: look up Google site for library resources. Contact the library at any time for help!!


Ms. Marshall – Substance Abuse Prevention, Office of Safety & Wellness

Reach out to her by email.  Accepts referrals from a variety of sources, and has an office at SOCO.

** Upcoming: 3-part parent series on Teenage Brain and Drug Trends (end of March & early April)

Look for information on News You Choose


Ms. Blanchard & Ms. Frost – Self Care: Taking Care of Yourself and the Ones That You Love

G – gentle with self

R - relaxation

A - accomplishment

P - pleasure

E - exercise

S – social


Have a designated space for work or study so you can separate family life from work/school

Sleep is crucial, as well as a healthy diet

Reflect on your day

PTSO Webmaster on 4/14/2021 9:30 pm