Back to PTSO Meeting Minutes
Board Minutes - Dec 2022

South County PTSO

Type of Meeting: General Membership

 Meeting Date/Time: December 5, 2022 @ 7pm

 Meeting Location: SCHS Library



  1.     Attendance: Katie O’Donnell (1VP), Renee Flynn (Cor Secretary), Kitty Greenstein (2VP), Audrey Wiggins, Laura McCarthy, Kelly Lowe, Tonya Williams, Lisa Simmons, Jim Bibb, Naoko Bibb, Steve Waugh, Tricia Wagh, Maida Pigee, Curtis Ransom, Kemberley Williams, Anna Shopino, Amanda Haynes


  1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order by Katie O’Donnell @ 7:06

  1.     Minutes: Review/Approval of minutes from Oct 2022 meeting

Motion to approve minutes by Lisa Simmons; 2nd by Audrey Wiggins approved @ 7:09

  1.     Officers’ Report

Treasurer’s Report (Ellen Ardrey)

 Interim report: Craft fair cleared $8700 from the craft fair as of 12.3.22

Cash on hand:

  1.     Committee Reports
  1. Honor Roll: Success!

Laura MCCarthy from a parent:  Is there a way to work the rewards so more students get rewarded (certificate for all students or…..parents can donate for a gift bag)

o  Challenges include not knowing which student are randomly chosen for the gift card/bag and how/who would coordinate figuring out which students did not get one but their parents donated.  Seems too challenging to me (Katie O’Donnell).

  1. Mosaic Committee:

Audrey Wiggens – no black history month program

Panel Discussion in February

Career panel

HBCU panel

  1. Mini-Grants:

Quiet this week

 Remaining Funds:  $1840 – Clubs; $1780 – classroom support

  1. Fundraising committee:

Maida Pidgee:

Dave and Busters: 50% fundraiser ($20 and $10 power cards)

  1. Teacher in-service

November was a success

Originally planned January PTSO sponsored lunch was canceled since it is not an official teacher in service.  Claudia Pirouzan-Jones (AP) made a request to sponsor lunch on 3 March 2023

For 3 March 2023

  1.     Add Gift cards to the raffle
  2.     Parent (Holli Hart Aspland) has donated massages (15 min each) for 6 hours.  24 total
  1. Holiday extravaganza

Raised more than expected in most areas

ANGP: Anna Schipono  & Charlene Lane– Thank you for help with selling White House Ornaments

  1.     Principal’s Report – was not available

Parent advisory groups (library) à 17 Jan 2023 @ 8P

Student advisory group à 18 Jan 2023

  1.     Announcements
  2.     Adjournment @755
Melinda Fortunato on 12/1/2022 9:39 pm

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