Back to PTSO Meeting Minutes
Board Minutes - Jan 2023

PTSO Board Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2023


o  Call to order at 1907

o  Attendance: Dr. Khoshaba; Ann Wilkie; Anna Shipono; Renee Flynn; Katie O’Donnell; Ellen Ardrey


  1. Class selection - Dr. Khoshaba spoke about advising children for class selection (Will be in the parent newsletter)
    1. Interest Level
    2. Consider amount of homework → AP vice Honors vice Gen Ed
    3. Consider what you are able to challenge yourself with
    4. Starting advising the week of the 23rd
  2. Memorial rocks: Key club will pay for 16; PTSO will pay for 10 ($115)
    1. Check written for $1150

o Budget update and CD options

  1. Craft Fair: 29 April 2023
  2. $84,000 in current account
  3. CD ($20,000): re-up for 3.9% for 12 months → All approved
  4. Special funding requests: 
    1. Science Fair (2 Feb 2023): $540 +$5 + $40 delivery:  Science Fair has $400 in the budget so $185 will come out of our special funding account.
    2. Projector installation:  Waiting on invoice to pay - see follow up on special purchases below.
    3. Electronic marquee: 
      1. Software vs. hardware?  Who runs the software program…..
    4. Urinal matts for boys bathrooms (10); misters for girls bathroom (2 per)
      1. Renee will look into costs and possible vendor
      2. Dividers (privacy partitions) for urinals
      3. Will the county cover ½ the cost
    5. 3 club requests with no invoices:
      1. FCCLA - $400 request with no invoice (registration) → Ellen will e-mail Mr. Long and Wendy alexander
      2. Science Olympiad → $400 for competition → Ellen will email Ms. McClinton for invoice to pay
      3. Gardening club → have not done the actual work yet
      4. Black student alliance

o February General membership meeting

  1. Currently scheduled for 9 FEb 2023 @ 7P in the library
  2. Need to look at a different date: Consider the 8th


o Spring Fling and Craft Fair (29 April 2023) → rain date is 30 April 2023

  1. Bus loop reservation → needs to be reserved
  2. Lacrosse invitational same day
  3. Food Trucks
  4. Coordinate with Middle school to make it a community event
    1. Dunk tank
    2. Carnival type events - Trademasters sponsor
  5. Biggest negative is that there was not enough volunteer support for clean up (end of day)
    1. Sliding scale $$ for participation by students?


o PTSO support of SCHS being a drop off site for Food For Neighbors Program

  1. Food in the red bag
  2. Parents request a need
  3. SOCO has been approached to be a delivery site:
  4. Also need to be sorted: 
  5. Bags are currently being given to 30-40 families
  6. SOCO would be delivery and sorting
  7. Does this need to have a committee chair?  How much food would be dropped off?
  8. Where is the food pantry at South County?
  9. Ann will work with Claudia
  10. Student run with parental oversight?


Future Food For Neighbors dates for 2023: 

March 11

April 29

September 9

November 11


o Follow up on Fundraising Letter Campaign

  1. Work on crafting and improving the letter
  2. On hold until the need is more 


o Follow up on Square purchases

  1. Purchase two more squares .  Renee paid for 2
  2. Ann proposes 2 additional squares….with total cost of approximately $400 → approved.  PTSO will purchase a total of 4 Squares (reimburse Renee for the 2 already purchased and purchase 2 more squares).


o Follow up on Special purchases 

  1. Any missing invoices?  
    1. Black Student Alliance
    2. Wobble chairs….purchased and paid for
    3. Projector mounting….receipt/invoice has not been received by the treasurer.  PTSO will pay $4952 from special funding.  Ann will follow up with Mr. Waters for an invoice.
    4. HOBY….approved


o Discuss timeline for fund request voting

  1. Requested by Melinda to have a discussion.  Ann, as the president, reserves the discretion to have an electronic vote at any time because of the timing for the requests (PTSO bylaws section 5.9) and tracks electronic votes on our agenda for the next board meeting minutes and on a shared club/classroom (Mini grants) spreadsheet.


o Motion to close @9:05P


Additional approvals via electronic vote:


Approval to fund HOBY $395 and Ms. Smith $1,600 for wobble stools - under special funding requests.

Approval for club funding requests Garden club, FCCLA Competition, Science Olympiad

Approval to provide lunch for Mar 3 staff development lunch

Approval of the PTSO Business Donation Request Letter

Approval of the PTSO Donation Receipt

Approval of the November Board Special Funding meeting minutes and November Board meeting minutes

Approval to fund memorial rocks, current/future memorial rocks for staff and students

Approval to fund paint and supplies for Leadership students to paint the school rock

Melinda Fortunato on 1/18/2023 12:00 am

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